- .gitignore config
- setup express JSON API server
- setup Knex project
- setup PostgreSQL
- setup API routes
- Local
- Middle School
- High School
- Adult School
- 1 Admin
- 2 Mentor
- 3 Site Leader
- 4 Student
- 1 Admin
- 2 Mentor
- 3 Site Leader
- 4 Student
- 1 College Track
- 2 Downtown Charter Academy
- 3 Montera
- 4 Oakland Technical
- 5 REALM Charter
- 6 Root
- 7 Rudsdale
- 1 Approved
- 2 Pending
- 3 Rejected
- 1 Teaching
- 2 Lab Assisting
- 1 Fall
- 2 Spring
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday
-2018 -2019
- Semester
- table.integer('term_id');
- table.integer('year_id');
- table.timestamp('created_at').defaultTo(knex.fn.now());
- table.timestamp('updated_at').defaultTo(knex.fn.now());
- table.foreign('term_id').references('term.id').onDelete('CASCADE');
- table.foreign('year_id').references('year.id').onDelete('CASCADE');
Order of creation of tables
Term - Reference
Year - Reference
Weekday - Reference
School - Reference
Level - Reference
Style - Reference
Week - Reference
Roles - Reference
Permission - Reference
Status - Reference
Semester -primary
Time - primary
Lesson - primary
Resource - Primary
Authentication - Reference
Account - primary
local - primary
google - primary
Site - primary (join table)
exit_ticket - primary
Join Tables
site_time -
account_time -
lesson_time -
site_lesson -
role table
semester table
- create, edit, delete semesters
- create a test semester
- create, edit, delete semesters
- user can sign up with unique email with password
- user can log-in with email and password
- user can can log-out
- user can log-in and access site corresponding to the account_site table
- Can only visit the homepage and their profile
- read-only access to corresponding site + lessons
- do not have access to class rost e
- read-only access to corresponding site + lessons
- can access & view list of students
- can make appropriate CRUD operations on assigned site
- Site leaders can create, delete, edit lessons
- Can add/remove a student to their site
- can create, edit, delete Semesters
- can create, edit, delete Sites
- can create, edit, delete Lessons
- can change the role of an account to either student, mentor or siteleader
- Create Sites
- Site Leaders create a Lesson - includes slides, code, exit-ticket
- Mentors Access slides
- Mentors + Siteleaders can log-in
- Setup Heroku
- Setup postgresql on heroku
- Setup user permissions for CRUD operations
- Students can log-in create a profile
- Students can fill out an exit ticket
- Site leaders can deploy exit ticket
- Students can fill out exit tickets
- Siteleaders can have a dashboard view exit ticket summaries
- Siteleaders can have a dashboard view of mentor attendance + feedback
- Mentors can check-in via ANova Labs