API Keys
serverless : https://jl09ro02z3.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/dev
heroku : https://nsfw-web-api.herokuapp.com/swagger
What it does?
It detects Not Safe For Work Images by calculating a NSFW score and classifying them into five categories: Drawing, Hentai, Neutral, Porn, Sexy. Images can be uploaded directly from the client's computer or through a GET or POST request with the source of the image.
What is it?
It's a Convolutional Neural Network model(Inception v3) deployed using Flask ,tensorflow-lite ,Pillow, Python3.6, Tensorflow 2.0, Swagger.
The inception v3 model is trained and finetuned on the dataset. https://github.com/alex000kim/nsfw_data_scraper .
How to run on local host?
- Clone into the project
- make sure python3.6 is installed and set to default
- Open terminal
- virtualenv env
- source env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python server.py
The motive:
The main purpose behind this is to use Artificial intelligence to provide users with a safe browsing experience
This REST-API is called from a browser extension to blur out NSFW images on the tab: https://github.com/rishav1802/NSFW-Images-Filter