Voxel ray tracing
combined images
make Player blessed to continue moving when game ticking is stalled
make a buffer upload abstraction to test how much data can be uploaded per frame consistently
Add views of cpu and gpu memory usage in debug menu
Add toggles for validation layers
Show logged messages to stderr, and log them to a file
event system (set player position) command line arguments test and loggigng
seperate raster and rt gpu threads?
seperate toggles for verdigris validation and vulkan validation
bad apple as a tech demo
proper argument parser (console commands and command line args)\
track where the player is moving and if theyre going to need to completely reallocate where the octree is centered do that at the same time this also allows for you to deal with a floating origin just ifne
add etst in the raycasting shader to cehck if that pixel is the ceter of teh screen if so then you can put that in a buffer that the cpu reads tosee were the center of the world is
cam you suet eh dedicated transfer hardware on the gpu i.e a queue with only Transfer
to upload the brick informatio nso that you dotn have to store it on the cpu side at all?
i.e you can return some type of astynchronous future request for it that gets populated at the end of each command buffer submission (follow the barrier)
fix the cmake script lmfao
add returning of values from util::Mutex lambdas!!! next thing!
traversal of 512x512 volume
entire world try different types each chunk as a drawcalls, octree, etc...
take a break from memory stuff and work on graphics effects Real Time Rendering
migrate to sync2 and many of the other 2 functions
merge raster and rt image
hack brickmap together
add dynamic reallocing
shader + compute renderer rewrite
refactor pipeline to be a similar dual inheritance thing
move menu to be not special
central predeclaration file