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How to add a insignia

Broström.A | Evul edited this page Oct 1, 2019 · 37 revisions

To add a image in to Arma you first need to creation and conversion of an image. Upload it to the 7th Cavalry Community Addon then add it to the selector

Image and format

First off you need the image in a PNG format with a transparent background with the size of 512x512.

This image should be converted to PAA with DXT5 encode. This is done with the Arma 3 Tools program; TexView2, ImageToPAA or ARMAKE.

Image to 7CavAddon and cScripts

  1. Naming the insignia (Follow current name standard).
  2. Add your insignia to the insignia addon located: 7CavAddon\Data
  3. Add the new insignia to CfgUnitInsignia.hpp
    To make it easy to add more insignia's we have developed a macro to be used: MACRO_UNITINSIGNIA(insigna_name);
  4. (OPTIONAL) If you add a complete new insignia remeber to also add the name to the stringtable.
  5. Add the insignia to the selector script; fn_addInsigniaSelectionList.sqf To make it easy for your self to add more insignia to the selector just copy paste an insignia function from a previous category. Example:
    [_object,"Squad Insignia 1/1/C/1-7","Charlie_1_1","z\cav\addons\insignia\data\Charlie_1_1.paa",['ACE_MainActions','cScriptInsigniaSelectionMenu','cScriptInsigniaSelectionCharlie']] call FUNC(addInsigniaSelection);

See also

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