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Ant language


ant_language provides :

  • A compiler for a simple educative language : Ant.
    • Ant language aims at teaching basic compilation skills.
    • Based on ocamllex and ocamlyacc.
    • Outputs a custom assembly code.
  • A virtual machine antvm.html :
    • Written in very vanilla javascript.
    • Runs the custom assembly code.

Test the virtual machine at :

Ant language is inspired by Langton's ant :

It provides several primitives (paint, pick, move, turn, ...) that allow to control a single ant on a pixel map.

The custom assembly code is based on a machine with an infinite number of registers.





./antcc < file.ant > file.s

The destination file contains :

  • An abstract syntax tree in ASCII format.
  • The assembly code itself to be run on the virtual machine antvm.html

Ant grammar


<top>::= <statement_eol>* EOF

  | EOL
  | <statement> EOL

  | ID := <expression>
  | ID @ <value>
  | if <condition> then EOL <statements_eol>* end
  | if <condition> then EOL <statements_eol>* else EOL <statements_eol>* end
  | while <condition> do EOL <statements_eol>* end
  | for ID in <expression>:<expression>:<expression> do EOL <statements_eol>* end

  | <expression> == <expression>
  | <expression> != <expression>
  | <expression> >= <expression>
  | <expression> <= <expression>
  | <expression> > <expression>
  | <expression> < <expression>

  | <value>
  | - <value>
  | <expression> + <value>
  | <expression> - <value>

  | INT
  | ID


Langton's ant

right := -1
left := 1
for step in 1:1:30000 do
  pick @ color
  if color==0 then
    turn @ right
    paint @ 1
    turn @ left
    paint @ 0
  move @ 1

Other examples

See .ant files in the samples directory for some other examples.

Custom assembly instruction set


This custom assembly code is based on a machine with an infinite number of registers r0, r1, r2 ... Immediate values are indicated with a #.

In the following instructions :

  • <name> parameter should be a valid name [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
  • value parameters (i.e. <value>, value1, value2) may be either an immediate value #... or a register content r....
  • <dest> is the destination register number.

Instructions :

  • label <name> : sets a label with unique name <name>.
  • goto <name> <value> : instruction pointer will be set to label <name> iff <value> is 0
  • call <name> <value> : calls the function <name> with the parameter <value> (if the function is a getter)
  • call <name> r<dest> : calls the function <name> and puts its result in register <dest> (if the function is a setter)
  • stop : stops the machine

function <name> should be one of the predefined external functions (see infra)

  • set r<dest> <value> : sets register <dest> with a value.
  • add r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> with the sum of 2 values.
  • sub r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> with the differences between 2 values.
  • test_eq r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the 2 values are equal, else to 0.
  • test_ne r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the 2 values are different, else to 0.
  • test_ge r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the <value1> is greater or equal to <value2> , else to 0.
  • test_gt r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the <value1> is greater than <value2> , else to 0.
  • test_le r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the <value1> is less or equal to <value2> , else to 0.
  • test_lt r<dest> <value1> <value2> : sets register <dest> to 1 iff the <value1> is less than <value2> , else to 0.

External functions

Getters :

  • call paint <value> : paints current ant's cell with color <value>.
  • call move <value> : makes <value> steps in current direction.
  • call turn <value> : turns <value> times 90° to the left.

Setters :

  • call random r<dest> : puts a random bit (either 0 or 1) in register <dest>
  • call pick r<dest> : puts the current color in register <dest>


You can run the examples with :

Langton's ant (compiled from code above)

label start
  set r0 #1
  sub r0 #0 r0
  set r1 r0
  set r2 #1
  set r3 r2
  set r5 #1
  set r6 #1
  set r7 #30000
  set r4 r5
label cond0
  test_le r8 r4 r7
  goto end0 r8
  call pick r9
  set r10 r9
  set r11 #0
  test_eq r12 r10 r11
  goto else1 r12
  call turn r1
  call paint #1
  goto end1 #0
label else1
  call turn r3
  call paint #0
label end1
  call move #1
  add r4 r4 r6
  goto cond0 #0
label end0

Other examples

See .s files in the samples directory for some other examples.