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Intro to Git & GitHub Workshop

Lesson 1 - Git on Your Machine Locally

  1. What is Git?
  2. What is the difference between Git and GitHub?
  3. Why should you learn Git?
  4. Basic Shell Commands
  5. Creating your first Git Repository
  6. Checking the status of your Git Repository
  7. Adding files to your Git Repository
  8. The Staging Area
  9. git commit - Take Snapshot of Your Work
  10. git log - Viewing Your Commit History
  11. git rm - Remove files from a Git Repository
  12. .gitignore - Tell git to ignore certain files or folders
  13. git branch - Branching
  14. git merge - Merges
  15. Git GUI
  16. Git Config Customisation

What is Git?

Git is distributed version control software. Version control is a way to save changes over time without overwriting previous versions. Being distributed means that every developer working with a Git repository has a copy of that entire repository - every commit, every branch, every file. If you're used to working with centralised version control systems, this is a big difference!

What is the difference between Git and GitHub?


  • Git is a version control software that manages your local git repositories.
  • GitHub is an online hosting service for your git repositories.

Long version:

  • Git is open-source software that helps you manage code versions, keep track of file changes. You can interact with git using CLI (Command Line Interface), meaning you type in git commands in your shell/ terminals. Alternatively, you can choose to use a third-party GUI (Graphical User Interface) from here.
  • GitHub is an online platform developed by a company and then acquired by Microsoft in 2018. GitHub, the platform, provides free hosting service for git repositories, which usually contains code or text files. It also enables collaboration on projects, since the repository is hosted on the cloud, teams can collaborate on the project repository from different locations. GitHub is an online service that is built around git, making git more convenient and powerful for programmers especially teams.

Why should you learn Git?

  • Git is essential for software development, any software engineering position would expect you to know how to use Git by default.
  • Git also can be used for your personal projects and/or school projects to avoid this:

Basic Shell Commands

Launch your Terminal / Shell on your computer:

Windows MacOS
  • ls for List
    • ls -a for List All
    • ls -la for List All with details
  • cd for Change Directory
  • mkdir for Make Directory
  • touch to create a new file
  • pwd for Print/present Working Directory

Creating your first Git Repository - One Person Starting a New Repository Locally

Recall a Git repository is a virtual Git collection, containing different versions of your project files. This git repository can reside inside a local folder inside your computer, and it can also be linked to a remote repository on somewhere like Github. (This concept is somewhat similar to a file-hosting website like Dropbox)

mkdir my_project
cd my_project

git init

You should see a message acknowledging the creation of the git repository.

What Does git init Do?

git init turns any directory into a Git repository.

  • Two Scenarios:

    1. Start a fresh project locally
    2. Make an existing local project into a git repository.
  • git init is one way to start a new project with Git. To start a repository, use either git init or git clone - not both. We will learn git clone in the second session of this workshop.

  • To initialise a repository, Git creates a hidden directory called .git. That directory stores all of the objects and refs that Git uses and creates as a part of your project's history. This hidden .git directory is what separates a regular directory from a Git repository.

Checking the status of your Git Repository

To check the status of your git repository (as a sanity check or whatever), you can use the following command. This command also checks that the git repository has been initialised.

git status

You should see something like this:

Adding files to your Git Repository

create some dummy files

create a new file called hello_1.txt

touch hello_1.txt

create a new file called hello_2.txt

touch hello_2.txt

create a new file called hello_3.txt

touch hello_3.txt
  • Run git status You will find the files listed under untracked files.
  • While the files are already in the folder (working directory), they have not yet been "added" to the repository per say, you need to manually add these files into the repository using git commands.

git add <file>

git add hello_1.txt
  • git status

The Staging Area


  • Any changes you made inside a git repository have to be staged first before committing.
  • It is a way to let git know what are the files/changes you want git to keep track of.
  • The staging area can be thought of as the intermediary between your folder (working directory) and the git repository. Files in the staging area are the files that will be captured in the snapshot in the next commit.


  • git add <filename> stages your changes on <filename>.
  • git add --all or git add -A stages all files, including new, modified, and deleted files, including files in the current directory and in higher directories that still belong to the same git repository.
  • git rm --cached <filename> unstages a file, move it from staging area to untracked.

git commit - Take Snapshot of Your Work

In a Git project timeline, commits are like the core building blocks! They can be thought of as milestones along the timeline of a Git project. Just like keyframes in an animation. You should make new commits often, based around logical units of change. Over time, commits should tell a story of the history of your repository and how it came to be the way that it currently is. Commits include lots of metadata in addition to the contents and message, like the author, timestamp, and more.

  • commit
git commit

This starts the commit process, but since it doesn't include a -m flag for the message, your default text editor will be opened for you to create the commit message. If you haven't configured anything, there's a good chance this will be Vim. (To get out, press esc, then :wq, and then Enter.)

  • commit with one-line commit message
git commit -m "descriptive commit message"
  • one-line commit message example
git commit -m "update the with link to contributing guide"
  • combine git add and git commit
git commit -am "descriptive commit message"

In addition to including the commit message, this option allows you to skip the staging phase. The addition of -a will automatically stage any files that are already being tracked by Git (changes to files that you've committed before).

git log - Viewing Your Commit History

The git log command shows you all the committed snapshots. It is used to list and filter the project history and to search for any particular changes.

The log output can be personalised differently by allowing you to filter commits and to display them in an entirely user-defined format

  • show complete commit history

    git log

    this command allows you to view the entire commit history. It uses space for scrolling and q for exiting if the log output takes up multiple screens

  • show compact commit log with oneline per commit

    git log --oneline

    this command allows you to fit each commit into a single line, which comes in handy when you would like to get an overview of the project history.

  • show git graph

    git log --oneline --graph
  • these are just some of the most commonly used commands, to see the full list of available formatting options use the git help log command to see the man page for the Git Log tool. Alternatively you could view the online documentation here!

git rm - Remove files from a Git Repository

  • delete a file
rm <filename>
  • delete a file and stage this change
git rm <filename>
  • delete a directory and stage this change
git rm -r <directory>

.gitignore - Tell git to ignore certain files or folders

  • create a dummy file called credentials.txt
touch credentials.txt
  • check git status
git status
  • create a file called .gitignore
touch .gitignore
  • append a line of text to .gitignore
echo "credentials.txt" >> .gitignore
  • display the content of the file
cat .gitignore
  • commit this .gitignore file
git add .gitignore
git commit -m  'Add .gitignore'
  • check status. credentials.txt exists in working directory but not tracked by git
git status

How to ignore an already tracked file

  • append a line to the .gitignore
echo "*.txt" >> .gitignore

* means anything, so *.txt represents any file with a .txt extension.

  • commit this change
git add .gitignore
git commit -m  'Add .gitignore'
  • check files being tracked in git repository
git ls-tree -r master
  • remove everything from git but not working directory
git rm -r --cached .
  • stage everything
git add .
  • commit everything
git commit -m 'Update'
  • check files being tracked in git repository
git ls-tree -r master

git branch - Branching

Git branches are essentially a pointer to a snapshot of your changes! It is good practice to spawn a branch every time you want to add a new feature or fix a bug to encapsulate your changes. By doing so the chances of unstable code being merged into the main code base will become lesser.

In this image, the repository contains two isolated lines of development of a little feature and a longer running feature. You can thus visualize how through branching developers can not only work on the two features simulataneouly but can also be rest assured that the master branch is kept free from possibly unstable code.

Do note that the master branch is the name of the default branch. In this picture the central line of development depicts the master branch.

How this works is that Git stores a branch as a reference to a commit. In other words, a branch represents the tip of a series of commits and is not a container of for commits.

  • lists all the branches in your repository
git branch
  • creates a new branch named <branch>
git branch <branch>
  • move to the <branch>
git checkout <branch>
  • delete a specified branch
git branch -d <branch>

git checkout

  • git checkout operates upon three distinct entities: files, commits, and branches.
  • git checkout <BRANCH NAME> switches to another existing branch.
  • git checkout -b <NEW BRANCH NAME> creates a new branch and switches to it simultaneously.
  • git checkout <COMMIT HASH STRING>

git merge - Merges

The git merge command is essentially used to take two independent lines of development created by git branch and integrate them into a single branch. Let us take a closer look on how this works:

The git merge commit will combine multiple sequences of commits into one unified history. We will now focus on the merging of two branches even though this concept can be extended to include more than two branches. What git merge does is it takes two commit pointers (Generally the tip) and finds a common base commit between them so that it can create a new "merge commit" that combines the changes of each queued merge commit sequence.

Here is a pictorial representation of how this is done!

Preparing to Merge

There are a couple things you need to take care of to ensure that the merge goes smoothly:

  1. Confirming the receiving branch: Execute git status to ensure that the HEAD is pointed to the correct merge-receiving branch
  2. Making sure that the receiving branch and the merging branch are up-to-date with the latest remote changes


Once you are ready to merge, execute the git merge <branchname> command to merge <branchname> to the receiving branch

Fast Forward Merge

This occurs when there is a linear path from the current branch tip to the target branch. In such a situation what Git needs to do is to "Fast Forward" the current branch tip to the target branch. What this essentially does is combining the histories of the two branches.

Here is a pictorial depiction of how a fast forward merge works

3-Way Merge

When there exists no linear path between the two branches (The branches are merged) then the only option the Git has is to combine them via a 3-Way merge. 3-Way merges use a dedicated commit to tie together the two histories. The nomenclature comes from the fact that Git uses three commits to generate the merge commit: the two branch tips and their common ancestor.

The merging diagram we presented to you earlier shows how 3-Way merging is carried out!

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Sometimes two developers will change the same line of code in two different ways and in such a case, Git can't tell which version is correct. Since that is something that only a developer can tell, merge conflicts must be resolved manually.

If this happens you should see something like this in your screen

Auto-merging <file>
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in <file>
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Once you open the open the file in which there is a conflict you should see something like this:

The "<<" character denotes the current branch's edits and the "==" sign denotes the end of the first section. The second section is where the edits are from the attempted merge, and it starts with the "==" signs and ends with the ">>" signs.

Since you are the developer, you get to decide what stays and what goes. Make your edits as required and then close the file. Once you are done with this follow the directions to add the files and then commit.

You can find advanced information on Git merging and merge-conflict resolution right here.

Git GUI Tools

Shell Integration

Editor Integration

  • Any mainstream IDE/ Text Editor would support some git plugins.
    • VS code
    • Atom
    • VIM
    • ...

Git Config Customisation

  • example - Ref
git config --global alias.graph "log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'"

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