diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 15a8986..d870070 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@ flexMenu is a jQuery plugin that lets you create responsive menus that automatic Written by [Ryan DeBeasi](http://www.ryandebeasi.com/) and [our fantastic contributors](https://github.com/352Media/flexMenu/graphs/contributors). +## :warning: Not Maintained :warning: + +This project is no longer maintained. For alternatives, check out [The Priority+ Navigation Pattern](https://css-tricks.com/the-priority-navigation-pattern/) on CSS Tricks or the [priority-navigation](https://github.com/gijsroge/priority-navigation) library. + +--- + +Since this plugin was first released in 2012, it received some fantastic [contributions from the community](https://github.com/352Media/flexMenu/graphs/contributors) and [appeared on Tuts+](https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-flexible-approach-to-responsive-navigation--webdesign-8397). Separately, Michael Scharnagl experimented with similar design patterns and coined the term "[Priority+ Pattern](https://justmarkup.com/articles/2012-06-19-responsive-multi-level-navigation/)" _five days_ after I [first released flexMenu](https://github.com/352Media/flexMenu/commit/c01e0365d9217b36748574d83f45de578b3527fd). There were probably other folks who were experimenting with this pattern before either of us were! + +Today, [several libraries](https://github.com/gijsroge/priority-navigation#alternatives) implement this design pattern in a modern way. They're awesome - so good that they've made flexMenu obselete! :smiley: + +Thank you to everyone who creates designs, articles, and tools for responsive navigation. Let's keep building cool stuff together! :rocket: + +\- @rdebeasi + ## Usage First, download flexmenu.min.js from GitHub or install it with `bower install flexmenu`. Then, add flexMenu to your page. (Be sure to include jQuery if it's not already there.) For example: