Resource for developing skills for OSCP exam and general infosec study
Prototype Pollution - The Ultimate Guide
Reverse Engineering Challenges
Mystery Twister - Crypto Challenges
Fuzzy Security - Windows Exploit Development
dostackbufferoverflowgood - easy to read
Corelan's exploit writing tutorial
Live Overflow's Binary Hacking Videos
Introduction to 32-bit Windows Buffer Overflows
Getting Started with x86 Linux Buffer Overflows
Abatchy's Guide (apparently pretty good!)
Real good guide with many an info
Zero to OSCP in 292 days (still somewhat relevant)
31-Day OSCP - with some useful info
Reverse Engineering x64 for Beginners
Backdoor - Reverse Engineering CTFs
Begin Reverse Engineering: workshop
The Red Teamer's Guide to Pivoting
Collection of things made during OSCP journey
Resource List - not overly thorough
Personal Notes for OSCP & Course
Bunch of interesting 1-liners and notes
Pandora's Box - bunch of tools
SleuthQL - SQLi Discovery Tool
Commix - Command Injection Exploiter
Malware Analysis for Hedgehogs (YouTube)
Bunch of interesting tools/commands
Bug Bounty Hunter's Methodology