This document contains the various current balancing proposals
Proposed by Juanba:
Remove RPG elements entirely, letting the player focus on the more Zelda-like aspects of the game: dungeon crawling and exploration.
- Experience and equipment are disabled.
- Enemies are level 1.
- Deals cleanly with the equipment question so we don't have to think about it.
- No arts, which will lead to boring combat.
- Making combat more interesting will lead to a run with almost no challenge.
- Limited customization of playstyle.
Proposed by me, right now.
Remove most RPG elements, but add them back in a limited way so that there is some progression.
- Experience is disabled.
- Lea is ~level 10.
- Enemies range from ~level 10 to ~level 20.
- A few levels of progressive gear are available, which raise your level to ~level 20.
- Mimics a Zelda randomizer more closely.
- Enemies are initially hard to beat but get easier as you receive more progressive equipment.
- You can still face the final boss with limited gear, but it will be easier with better gear.
- Limited arts, limited customization of playstyle.
- Might be extremely difficult to balance.
Proposed by CodeTriangle:
Allow the player to boost at their leisure, but keep the challenge with the bosses.
- Initially decrease all enemy levels to a universally low band of values, i.e. ~level 4 to ~level 15
- Shuffle boosters into the pool, each of which boosts the level of every enemy by ~10 levels.
- Bosses retain their vanilla levels (with an optional multiplier perhaps) and do not boost like most enemies.
- Bosses are not in logic until Lea has enough boosters to surpass their level.
- Even and fair gradient for leveling up.
- Maintains challenge by requiring the player to beat a level 60 creator (but allows them to level past it for an easier fight anyway).
- Ensures the player can make the game as easy or as hard as they want at any moment.
- May require large amounts of back-and-forth to find the enemies that are actually at your level once a booster is engaged.
- May lead to a serious grind.
- The interface to activate this would be annoying to access.
Proposed by CodeTriangle:
- Everything is vanilla except enemies are only normalized down, not up.
- Allows the player to grind to the max level in the area that they will need.
- Encourages players to just grind levels wherever they are even if that means grinding from level 10 to level 40 in So'najiz.
Proposed by GodlFire:
- Experience is turned off.
- Each area is assigned a band of levels, in a logical manner.
- Progressive levels are items.
- Areas are not in logic until the player has enough levels to reach it.
- There will be a logical path that has enemies at your level so its not just a curb stomp or getting stomped.
- You retain the idea of getting stronger as you progress through the seed as older zones are now much lower level. (editado)
- Requires progressive levels in order to work as intended.