Fixes the Z-Axis issue for arduino-based controllerboards (e.g. Pincontrol) in combination with x360ce.
- Install
- Reboot
- Download the latest release and put the two files VirtualPlunger.exe and vJoyInterface.dll into a separate folder (e.g. c:\VirtualPlunger)
- Run VirtualPlunger.exe
- Configure vJoy and x360ce as described in the following pictures
- Make sure VirtualPlunger.exe starts automatically after login or before each launch of a Pinball FX-table.
- If you are using PinUp System, add this to the Launch-Script for Pinball FX3 to start VirtualPlunger.exe in Pinball FX3 only:
rem Start VirtualPlunger.exe if not already running
set PATH_TO_VIRTUALPLUNGER=c:\VirtualPlunger
set VIRTUALPLUNGER=VirtualPlunger.exe
tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %VIRTUALPLUNGER%" | find /i "%VIRTUALPLUNGER%" > nul || (start "" "%PATH_TO_VIRTUALPLUNGER%\%VIRTUALPLUNGER%")
-For PinUp System: Add this to the Launch-Script for Visual Pinball to stop VirtualPlunger.exe in Visual Pinball:
rem stop VirtualPlunger.exe if running
taskkill /F /IM VirtualPlunger.exe
Run VirtualPlunger.exe with /debug to get a window that shows Z-Axis values.
This program makes usage of these two examples :
A virtual device for the Z-Axis is created as input for x360ce.