A Language Server for JSON Schema development.
- Full support for draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12
- Inline diagnostics for invalid schemas
- Semantic highlighting of JSON Schema keywords
- Semantic highlighting of deprecated keywords
- Inline diagnostics for invalid references
-- The dialect to use if the schema doesn't use$schema
to declare the schema's dialect.
Contributions are welcome and encouraged! If you have a feature/bug/improvement you want to work on, it's usually best to open an issue to discuss the issue before starting work.
PRs are expected to include automated tests whenever possible.
npm run test
- Run all the tests oncenpm run test -- --watch
- Run all the tests with a continuous test runnernpm run test -- path/to/something.test.js
- Run a specific test suite
There are test coverage tools available for you to analyze where your tests might be lacking.
npm run coverage
- Run the coverage analysis
npx http-server coverage
- View the HTML report
Make sure to check that any changes work in both VSCode and Neovim before submitting PRs.