Quilibrium for Dummies
This script is an all-in-one quil usage software for newcomers.
For installation and first run, please run
rm -f quilibrium_for_dummies.sh && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xOzgur/QuilibriumTools/main/quilibrium_for_dummies.sh && chmod +x quilibrium_for_dummies.sh && ./quilibrium_for_dummies.sh
After first run, when you need to reach your node, you need to run only;
Autoinstaller Script for Quilibrium as a Service
Use below command to install v2.0
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xOzgur/QuilibriumTools/main/install/install_quilibrium_service.sh | bash
If you need to update your node from previous version to 2.0, apply below command
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xOzgur/QuilibriumTools/main/update/update.sh | bash
For easy management of your nodes I created some shortcodes. You can import .profile or .bash_profile (Some Debian installations) file and source. Then you can easily query node related infos.
Check Your Node Visibility
You can check if your node sees Q Inc Bootstraps. If you don't see you most probably will not get any rewards.
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xOzgur/QuilibriumTools/main/visibility_check.sh | bash